
Found 4258 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Petruck, M. R. L., & Dodge E. (2016).  MetaNet Tutorial. Proceedings of ACL 2016.
Moskewicz, M. W., Jannesari A., & Keutzer K. (2016).  A Metaprogramming and Autotuning Framework for Deploying Deep Learning Applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06945.
Gleich, D., & Mahoney M. (2016).  Mining Large graphs. Handbook of Big Data. 191-220.
Thomee, B., Borth D., & Bernd J. (2016).  Multimedia COMMONS Workshop 2016 (MMCommons'16): Datasets, Evaluation, and Reproducibility. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Multimedia (MM '16). 1485-1486.
Friedland, G., Papadopoulos S., Bernd J., & Kompatsiaris Y. (2016).  Multimedia Privacy. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Multimedia (MM '16). 1479-1480.
Fukui, A., Park D. Huk, Yang D., Rohrbach A., Darrell T., & Rohrbach M. (2016).  Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for Visual Question Answering and Visual Grounding. CoRR. abs/1606.01847,
Richter, P., Wohlfart F., Vallina-Rodriguez N., Allman M., Bush R., Feldmann A., et al. (2016).  A Multi-perspective Analysis of Carrier-Grade NAT Deployment. Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference.
Gittens, A., Kottalam J., Yang J., Ringenburg M. F., Chhugani J., Racah E., et al. (2016).  A multi-platform evaluation of the randomized CX low-rank matrix factorization in Spark. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics.
Hu, R., Xu H., Rohrbach M., Feng J., Saenko K., & Darrell T. (2016).  Natural Language Object Retrieval. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Panda, A., Han S., Walls M., Ratnasamy S., & Shenker S. J. (2016).  NetBricks: Taking the V out of NFV. Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI ’16).
Andreas, J., Rohrbach M., Darrell T., & Klein D. (2016).  Neural Module Networks. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 39-48.
Ke, T-W., Maire M., & Yu S. X. (2016).  Neural Multigrid.
Regli, W., Rossignac J., Shapiro V., & Srinivasan V. (2016).  The new frontiers in computational modeling of material structures. Computer-Aided Design. 77, 73-85.
Gergen, S., Zeiler S., Abdelaziz A. Hussen, & Kolossa D. (2016).  New Insights into Turbo-Decoding-Based AVSR with Dynamic Stream Weights. Proceedings of ITG Conference on Speech Communication.
Panda, A., McCauley M., Tootoonchian A., Sherry J., Koponen T., Ratnasamy S., et al. (2016).  Open Network Interfaces for Carrier Networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 46(1), 5-11.
Fountoulakis, K., Gleich D., & Mahoney M. (2016).  An optimization approach to locally-biased graph algorithms.
Shun, J., Roosta-Khorasani F., Fountoulakis K., & Mahoney M. (2016).  Parallel Local Graph Clustering. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 9(12), 
Suchan, J., Bhatt M., & Yu S. X. (2016).  The Perception of Symmetry in the Moving Image -- Multi-Level Computational Analysis of Cinematographic Scene Structure and Its Visual Reception. Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Perception.
Hao, S., Kantchelian A., Miller B., Paxson V., & Feamster N. (2016).  PREDATOR: Proactive Recognition and Elimination of Domain Abuse at Time-Of-Registration. Proceedings of ACM CCS.
Thomee, B., Borth D., & Bernd J. (2016).  Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia COMMONS.
Sundaresan, S., McCoy D., Afroz S., & Paxson V. (2016).  Profiling Underground Merchants Based on Network Behavior. Proceedings of APWG eCrime 2016.
Ameloot, T. J., Van Den Bussche J., Marczak B., Alvaro P., & Hellerstein J. M. (2016).  Putting logic-based distributed systems on stable grounds. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. 16(4), 378-417.
Gallopoulos, E., Drineas P., Ipsen I., & Mahoney M. (2016).  RandNLA, Pythons, and the CUR for Your Data Problems: Reporting from G2S3 2015 in Delphi. SIAM News.
Drineas, P., & Mahoney M. (2016).  RandNLA: Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra. Communications of the ACM. 59, 80-90.
Dharmar, M., Simon A., Sadorra C., Friedland G., Sherwood J., Morrow H., et al. (2016).  Reducing Loss to Follow-Up with Tele-audiology Diagnostic Evaluations. 22,
