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Dreger, H., Feldmann A., Paxson V., & Sommer R. (2004).  Operational Experiences with High-Volume Network Intrusion Detection. Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer Communications Security (CCS 2004). 11, 2.
Kornexl, S.., Paxson V., Dreger H., Feldmann A., & Sommer R. (2005).  Building a Time Machine for Efficient Recording and Retrieval of High-Volume Network Traffic. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Internet Measurement (IMC 2005). 267-272.
Dreger, H., Feldmann A., Mai M.., Paxson V., & Sommer R. (2006).  Dynamic Application-Layer Protocol Analysis for Network Intrusion Detection. Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Security Symposium (Security '06).
Richter, P., Wohlfart F., Vallina-Rodriguez N., Allman M., Bush R., Feldmann A., et al. (2016).  A Multi-perspective Analysis of Carrier-Grade NAT Deployment. Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference.
Feldmann, A., Gasser O., Lichtblau F., Pujol E., Poese I., Dietzel C., et al. (2021).  A Year in Lockdown: How the Waves of COVID-19 Impact Internet Traffic. Communications of the ACM (CACM). 64(7), 101-108.