Found 11 results
Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Author is John Scott-Railton [Clear All Filters]
For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying.
The Citizen Lab.
(2013). You Only Click Twice: FinFisher's Global Proliferation.
The Citizen Lab.
(2013). Hacking Team and the Targeting of Ethiopian Journalists.
The Citizen Lab.
(2014). Hacking Team's US Nexus.
The Citizen Lab.
(2014). Mapping Hacking Team's "Untraceable" Spyware.
The Citizen Lab.
(2014). An Analysis of China’s “Great Cannon”.
Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI).
(2015). China’s Great Cannon.
The Citizen Report.