On intelligence as memory: Book review.
Embodied Meaning in a Neural Theory of Language.
Brain and Language. 89(2),
(2004). Scaling Understanding Up to Mental Spaces.
Proceedings of ScaNaLU-2004.
Embodied Verbal Semantics: Evidence from an Image-Verb Matching Task.
Proceedings of Cognitive Science Conference.
Active Schemas for Generation, Recognition, and Understanding of Action.
Proceedings of the First Mirror Neuron Conference.
(2000). A Connectionist Encoding of Parameterized Schemas and Reactive Plans.
Proceedings of the First SMART-Symposium. 1-28.
(1999). Active Threads: Enabling Fine-Grained Parallelism in Object-Oriented Languages.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 98).
(1998). Extending Embodied Lexical Development.
Proceedings of 20th Cognitive Science Society Conference. 84-90.
(1998). Layered hybrid connectionist models for cognitive science.
Proceedings of the International NIPS Workshop on Hybrid Neural Symbolic Integration (NIPS 98).
(1998). Parallelizing Connectionist Networks for Pattern Recognition: A Library Approach.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 98).