Multiscale Stepping-Stone Detection: Detecting Pairs of Jittered Interactive Streams by Exploiting Maximum Tolerable Delay.
Proceedings of RAID.
(2002). Observed Structure of Addresses in IP Traffic.
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW). 253-266.
(2002). Scaling Phenomena in the Internet: Critically Examining Criticality.
Proceedings of National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS). 99,
On the Constancy of Internet Path Properties.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW '01). 197-211.
(2001). Difficulties in Simulating the Internet.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 9(4), 392-403.
(2001). On Estimating End-to-End Network Path Properties.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Data Communication in Latin American and the Caribbean.
(2001). Inferring Link Loss Using Striped Unicast Probes.
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM.
(2001). Network Intrusion Detection: Evasion, Traffic Normalization, and End-to-End Protocol Semantics (HTML).
Proceedings of USENIX Security Symposium 2001.
Detecting Backdoors.
Proceedings of the Ninth USENIX Security Symposium.
(2000). Detecting Stepping Stones.
Proceedings of the Ninth USENIX Security Symposium.
(2000). Experiences with NIMI.
Proceedings of Passive & Active Measurement.
(2000). Experiences with NIMI.
Proceedings of the Passive & Active Measurement (PAM 2000).
(2000). An Architecture for a Global Internet Host Distance Estimation Service.
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM.
(1999). End-to-End Internet Packet Dynamics.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 7(3), 277-292.
(1999). On Estimating End-to-End Network Path Properties.