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Filters: Author is N. Benjamin Erichson  [Clear All Filters]
Utrera, F., Kravitz E., N. Erichson B., Khanna R., & Mahoney M. (2021).  Adversarially-Trained Deep Nets Transfer Better: Illustration on Image Classification. International Conference on Learning Representations.
N. Erichson, B., Azencot O., Queiruga A., Hodgkinson L., & Mahoney M. (2021).  Lipschitz recurrent neural networks. International Conference on Learning Representations.
N. Erichson, B., Taylor D., Wu Q., & Mahoney M. (2021).  Noise-Response Analysis of Deep Neural Networks Quantifies Robustness and Fingerprints Structural Malware. Proceedings of the 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM). 100-108.
Lim, S. Hoe, N. Erichson B., Hodgkinson L., & Mahoney M. (2021).  Noisy Recurrent Neural Networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Conference. 34,