
Found 36 results
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Heidemann, J., Silva F., Intanagonwiwat C., Govindan R., Estrin D., & Ganesan D. (2001).  Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks With Low-Level Naming. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.
Radoslavov, P., Papadopoulos C., Govindan R., & Estrin D. (2001).  A Comparison of Application-Level and Router-Assisted Hierarchical Schemes for Reliable Multicast. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom 2001.
He, X., Papadopoulos C., Radoslavov P., & Govindan R. (2001).  A Comparison of Incremental Deployment Strategies for Router-Assisted Reliable Multicast.
Tangmunarunkit, H., Doyle J., Govindan R., Jamin S., Shenker S. J., & Willinger W. (2001).  Does AS Size Determine Degree in AS Topology?. ACM Computer Communication Review. 31(5), 7-10.
Ganesan, D., Govindan R., Shenker S. J., & Estrin D. (2001).  Highly Resilient, Energy Efficient Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review. 5(4), 11-25.
Tangmunarunkit, H., Govindan R., Shenker S. J., & Estrin D. (2001).  The Impact of Routing Policy on Internet Paths. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM '01). 2, 736-742.
Tangmunarunkit, H., Govindan R., & Shenker S. J. (2001).  Internet Pat Inflation Due to Policy Routing. Proceedings of SPIE ITCom 2001.
Tangmunarunkit, H., Govindan R., & Shenker S. J. (2001).  Internet Path Inflation Due to Policy Routing.
Radoslavov, P., Govindan R., & Estrin D. (2001).  Topology-Informed Internet Replica Placement. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Web Caching and Content Distribution.
Govindan, R., & Radoslavov P. (2002).  An Analysis of The Internal Structure of Large Autonomous Systems.
Shenker, S. J., Ratnasamy S., Karp B., Govindan R., & Estrin D. (2002).  Data-Centric Storage in Sensornets. Workshop Record of the First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I).
Govindan, R., & Paxson V. (2002).  Estimating Router ICMP Generation Delays. Proceedings of Passive & Active Measurement: PAM-2002.
Ratnasamy, S., Karp B., Yin L., Yu F., Estrin D., Govindan R., et al. (2002).  GHT: A Geographic Hash-table for Data-centric Storage in Sensornets.
Tangmunarunkit, H., Govindan R., Jamin S., Shenker S. J., & Willinger W. (2002).  Network Topology Generators: Degree-Based vs. Structural. Proceedings of ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communications Conference (SIGCOMM 2002). 147-159.
Chen, Q.., Chang H., Govindan R., Jamin S., Shenker S. J., & Willinger W. (2002).  The Origin of Power Laws in Internet Topologies Revisited. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM). 608-617.
Chen, Q.., Chang H., Govindan R., Jamin S., Shenker S. J., & Willinger W. (2002).  The Origin of Power-Laws in Internet Topologies Revisited.
Mao, Z. Morley, Govindan R., Varghese G., & Katz R. H. (2002).  Route Flap Dampening Exacerbates Internet Routing Convergence. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2002.
Willinger, W., Govindan R., Jamin S., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2002).  Scaling Phenomena in the Internet: Critically Examining Criticality. Proceedings of National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS). 99,
Chang, H., Govindan R., Jamin S., Shenker S. J., & Willinger W. (2002).  Towards Capturing Representative AS-Level Internet Topologies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS 2002). 280-281.
