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Steven Wegmann - the New Leader of the Speech Group

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Steven WegmannICSI is pleased to announce that, as of January 1, 2013, Steven Wegmann is the new leader of the ICSI Speech Group. Professor Nelson Morgan, the founder and leader of the group for more than 24 years, will be focusing on research activities, passing on the leadership of the team to Steven. After earlier collaboration with Morgan and his team, Steven formally joined the group in 2011. For nearly two decades prior to that, he pursued speech research at companies such as Dragon, VoiceSignal, and Nuance. He received a PhD in mathematics from the University of Warwick, and his early work was in algebraic topology. Steven’s recent research interest is in the analysis of the failings of statistical models commonly used in speech recognition. For more, see the news brief. Check back in the coming weeks for more on new developments here at ICSI

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