Publication Details

Title: Teaching Privacy: What Every Student Needs to Know
Author: G. Friedland, S. Egelman, and D. Garcia
Bibliographic Information: Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE '15), p. 713, Kansas City, Missouri
Date: March 2015
Research Area: Audio and Multimedia, Usable Security and Privacy
Type: Talk or presentation
PDF: [Not available online]

Although frequent stories in the popular media have raised awareness about online privacy, most young people do not have a very good handle on what the specific issues are, nor the practical steps they can take to manage them. Teachers recognize that all their students' from future engineers to those totally bored by science need a realistic understanding of how online privacy works, so they can protect themselves online. In fact, the latest CS curricular recommendations include privacy but there is no comprehensive set of field-tested teaching materials. To address this, we are developing TROPE (Teachers' Resources for Online Privacy Education), a set of classroom-ready teaching materials ( TROPE will provide educators with lesson modules, interactive demonstrations, and a teachers' guide, so they can readily integrate privacy into high school and college classes. Our goal for this workshop is twofold. First, we will introduce educators to TROPE and provide guidance on how they can cover privacy-related topics in their classrooms without being subject-matter experts. Second, we will solicit feedback and on-the-ground stories; by gaining a better understanding of specific problems faced by educators and students, we can increase TROPE's utility to teachers. We will provide teachers with up-to-date technical information about online privacy, including relevant highlights from our research; hands-on activities illustrating principles of online privacy; and an overview of the materials we are creating for TROPE. This will be an interactive workshop, driven by participants' questions, experiences, and interests. For CS educators at all levels; laptop or tablet recommended.

Bibliographic Reference:
G. Friedland, S. Egelman, and D. Garcia. Teaching Privacy: What Every Student Needs to Know. Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE '15), p. 713, Kansas City, Missouri, March 2015