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Zhang, Y., & Shapiro V. (2018).  Linear-Time Thermal Simulation of As-Manufactured Fused Deposition Modeling Components. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 140(7), 
Taber, A., Kumar G., Freytag M., & Shapiro V. (2018).  A moment-vector approach to interoperable analysis. Computer-Aided Design. 102, 139-147.
Liu, X., & Shapiro V. (2018).  Multiscale shape–material modeling by composition. Computer-Aided Design. 102, 194-203.
Thiagarajan, V., & Shapiro V. (2018).  Shape Aware Quadratures. Journal of Computational Physics. 374, 1239-1260.
Thiagarajan, V., & Shapiro V. (2016).  Adaptively Weighted Numerical Integration in the Finite Cell Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 311, 250-279.
Nelaturi, S., de Kleer J., & Shapiro V. (2016).  Combinatorial models for heterogeneous system composition and analysis. Proceedings of 2016 11th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE).
Lysenko, M., & Shapiro V. (2016).  Effective contact measures. Computer-Aided Design. 70, 134-143.
Liu, X., & Shapiro V. (2016).  Homogenization of material properties in additively manufactured structures. Computer-Aided Design. 78, 71-82.
Regli, W., Rossignac J., Shapiro V., & Srinivasan V. (2016).  The new frontiers in computational modeling of material structures. Computer-Aided Design. 77, 73-85.
Liu, X., & Shapiro V. (2016).  Sample-Based Design of Functionally Graded Material Structures. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
Kumar, G., & Shapiro V. (2015).  Efficient 3D analysis of laminate structures using ABD-equivalent material models. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 106, 41-55.
Liu, X., & Shapiro V. (2015).  Random heterogeneous materials via texture synthesis. Computational Materials Science. 99, 177-189.
Nelaturi, S., & Shapiro V. (2015).  Representation and analysis of additively manufactured parts. Computer-Aided Design. 67,