BEARS Open House This Thursday
Every year, we host an open house in conjunction with the Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS). This year, BEARS is on Thursday, February 14. Group directors will be giving overviews of their groups' work, and senior researchers will be on hand throughout to talk about and demonstrate their research. The open house starts at 2 p.m. - we hope you can make it!
The abstracts for all our demos are on the events page, but here are a few previews:
The SSL Tree of Trust
Johanna Amann, a DAAD-sponsored postdoctoral fellow in the Networking and Security Group, will demonstrate the Tree of Trust, an interactive graph visualizing global relationships between certificate authorities. The graph is based on information information about 15 billion SSL connections, including 32 million unique SSL certificates extracted from online activity of about 300,000 users in total. He will show the Tree of Trust, highlight interesting parts, and provide information about the current state of the SSL ecosystem. Try the interactive graph.
Video2GPS: A Demo of Multimodal Location Estimation on Flickr Videos
Jaeyoung Choi of the Audio and Multimedia Group will demonstrate Video2GPS, which determines where videos uploaded to the Internet were taken using text metadata and visual cues. This kind of multimedia analysis is particularly difficult for "wild" videos taken off the Internet because they may be short, unedited, or of poor quality. Read more about the group's work on multimedia analysis and retrieval.
Ad-Hoc Wireless Microphone Array
Chuck Wooters of the Speech Group will demonstrate an ad-hoc wireless microphone array. The array improves the audio quality of online meetings by making use of existing hardware - the laptops and smart devices that are typically present during meetings. Read more about the Speech Group.