August Talks on YouTube: Recurrent Neural Nets and Pronunciation Dictionaries

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In case you couldn't make it to talks at ICSI in August, we've posted the videos on our YouTube channel. Check them out there or below.



Deep Learning RNNaissance
Professor Jürgen Schmidhuber
IDSIA, Switzerland

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Machine learning and pattern recognition are currently being revolutionized by "Deep Learning" (DL) Neural Networks (NNs). This is of commercial interest (for example, Google spent over $400 million on the start-up "DeepMind," co-founded by our student). My talk will summarize our work on DL since 1991. Our recurrent NNs (RNNs) were the first to win official international competitions in pattern recognition and machine learning; our team has won more such contests than any other research group or company. In particular, our RNNs represent the state of the art in connected handwriting recognition, and aspects of speech recognition. ....
Read the full abstract and bio.



Rapid Generation of Pronunciation Dictionaries for New Domains and Languages
Tim Schlippe
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Automatic speech recognition systems exist only for a small fraction of the more than 7,100 languages in the world since the development of such systems is usually expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, porting speech technology rapidly to new languages with little effort and cost is an important part of research and development. Pronunciation dictionaries are a central component for both automatic speech recognition and speech synthesis. They provide the mapping from the orthographic form of a word to its pronunciation, typically expressed as a sequence of phonemes. ...
Read the full abstract and bio.