Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 10

Friday, January 18, 2013

Internet privacy misunderstandings part 10You get a friend request. The name is something you remember from high school. The picture looks familiar. The account has pictures of the person on vacation and their relationship status is "in a relationship" with someone else whose name is also familiar. Obviously you know this person, right? Not necessarily - fake accounts on social networks are common, and while it may seem odd to fake being a real person, if enough information about a person is already online, it is easy to do. If you've followed this series of posts, you are probably already aware that a lot of information about people already exists online, even if that person didn't post any of it. So while you might know that your close friends on social networks really are the people they claim to be, if it's not someone you talk to frequently in real life, it's entirely possible the profile on Facebook (or other social networks) is someone who is only pretending to be that person. So you could be sharing information with people you don't know, even if all of your contacts are names that are familiar to you.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 9

Friday, January 11, 2013

privacy misunderstanding 9There is a lot of information available online - but the reality is that anyone who can type can post something online. It may or may not be true, and it can be very difficult to determine whether or not something you see online is from a reliable source. This applies to photos and videos as well as text - many people think that if they see a picture of something, then it must be real - but photo (and video) editing software can make things look real that in fact are not. Think about a movie with really good special effects, for example. Because of this, it's important to remember that when you post something, true or not, there will be people who believe it and others who don't. In addition, if you post something that is meant to be sarcasm or a joke of some sort, be aware that many people might not see it that way. Be very cautious with the words you choose to use in your posts online, because you never know who might be reading them and taking them at face value.

New Method for Detecting Objects in Images

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Using techniques from the field of robotics, Vision Group researchers and their colleagues have developed a method for detecting objects in images that intelligently selects which object detectors to use and which to ignore in order to complete a task within given time constraints. The paper was presented in December at the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference. It’s by Vision Group researcher Sergey Karayev and group leader Trevor Darrell as well as Tobias Baumgartner of RWTH Aachen University and Mario Fritz of MPI for Informatics, who has worked at ICSI as a postdoc.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 8

Friday, January 4, 2013

privacy misunderstanding 8Remember that when you post something, it can be found later. While current technology might not be sufficient for someone to identify you by using face recognition software, it's very likely that software coming out in the future would have no problem identifying you (or someone else) based on, for example, a blurry photograph. The same goes for speaker identification software and other technology that can be used to identify people. As time goes on, the technology improves, so never assume that because something isn't possible today, it won't be possible in the future.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 7

Friday, December 28, 2012

privacty misunderstanding 7Once a tweet has been retweeted or a post on Facebook has been liked or shared, you can't delete it - neither technically nor legally. Once a web page has been crawled and indexed by search engines, there is a record of it. If you post something that shouldn't be made public, you don't have much time to delete before it's really not possible. Posting information therefore means giving up control over it.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 6

Friday, December 21, 2012

Privacy post #6The fact that you post boring things, like pictures of what you ate for breakfast, doesn't make you invisible online. Although it may sometimes seem like nobody is paying attention, advertisers are always paying attention, and data you post is collected by social networks and other businesses in order to tailor ads to your tastes and (hopefully) increase profits as a result. Maybe you don't mind that social networks are paying attention to your breakfast, but it's good to be aware that even seemingly insignificant posts online *are* tracked by somebody, often as part of a marketing strategy to increase profits.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 5

Friday, December 14, 2012

privacy misunderstanding 5Just because you aren't posting information about yourself doesn't mean that other people aren't. Lots of people post pictures from vacations, weddings, and other events that you may have attended. There could also be information about you online having to do with your job, for instance on a company web site. Even the government might be sharing information about you without your knowledge. Gerald Friedland recently commented on concerns about publicly available statistics from surveys, the census, and other government sources. Read more about it and watch the video.

Therefore, while not posting on social networks might result in less of your personal information being online, it doesn't mean there isn't information, some of which you might prefer to keep private, available on publicly accessible web sites.

Beyond Classification -- Large-Scale Gaussian Process Inference and Uncertainty Prediction

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DAAD scholar Erik Rodner, along with colleagues Alexander Freytag, Paul Bodesheim, and Joachim Denzler of the University of Jena, won the best paper honorable mention award at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, held November 5-9 in Daejeon, South Korea. Their work tries to go one step further in lifelong visual learning with minimal supervision, an important topic in computer vision and robotics. Detecting new object categories in images and videos requires measuring classification uncertainty. The paper proposes methods of computing and approximating uncertainties in a Bayesian setting, which are in general intractable with large-scale data. Erik and his colleagues were able to show that the computation time can be reduced from several hours to milliseconds. Furthermore, it turns out that the approximations do not hurt the classification performance when used for active learning or one-class classification, where only the induced ranking of test examples is of interest.

Internet Privacy Misunderstandings, Part 4

Friday, December 7, 2012

privacy misunderstanding #4Even if you are careful not to post private information, you might not realize how much metadata becomes available whenever you post something online.

Metadata is information that is contained in files such as photos and status updates on social networks, but is not visible when looking at the content, so many people are not aware that it exists.
