IPv6 Transition at Yahoo
Stephen Strowes
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
2:00 p.m., ICSI Lecture Hall
Three years after the IPv6 Launch event coordinated by the Internet Society, we're watching the final allocations from ARIN's IPv4 inventory. Today we see significant volumes of traffic carried over IPv6 but we're still in the early stages of the transition, not the end of it.
Different networks and countries have presented wildly different deployment patterns. This talk will cover aspects of the ongoing IPv4-to-IPv6 transition, including an overview of what different networks are doing, aspects of what we see from within Yahoo, some of the broad challenges faced, and some early research into measuring IPv4 and IPv6 parity.
Stephen Strowes runs the IP survivability program at Yahoo: leading IPv6 deployment, and managing IPv4 usage. Previously, he worked on network flow monitoring at Boundary, and NAT traversal measurement at Nokia Research. He was awarded his PhD from the University of Glasgow in 2012 for his thesis on the application of alternative routing algorithms to historical Internet toplogies to study long-term scalability.