Visiting Researchers: April - September 2011

Since its inception, ICSI has had a strong international program consisting primarily of ties with specific countries. Current formal agreements exist with Brazil, Finland, Germany, and Switzerland. In addition, we often have visitors associated with specific research and projects.


ICSI visitors 2011


Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran
Shuai Cheng Li
Matthias Mnich (Germany)
Roded Sharan


Paula Herber (Germany)
Miquel Moretó Planas


Sergio Guadarrama
Frank Hopfgartner (Germany)
Emanuel Kitzelmann (Germany)
Ru Li
Jesús Oliva
Hiroaki Sato
Malte Schilling (Germany)
Carlos Subirats
Tiago Torrent (Brazil)


More 2011 ICSI Visitors

Greg Bodwin
Jan Böttger
Gilbert Clark
Lorenzo DeCarli
Mohan Dhawan
Haixin Duan
Oana Goga
Dorgival Guedes (Brazil)
Junaid Khalid Gregor Maier (Germany)
Syed Akbar Mehdi
Abedelaziz Mohaisen
Christian Rossow
Ankit Singla
Renata Teixeira
Amin Tootoonchian
Jack Wu
Baohua Yang


Arlo Faria (Brazil)
Joaquin Gonzalez
Bernd Meyer (Germany)
Gerald Penn
Stefan Steidl (Germany)


Peer Stelldinger (Germany)

Campus Affiliation / Other

Christoph Goebel (Germany)
Eduardo Huerta (Brazil)
Kai Huotari (Finland)
Tommi Lampikoski (Finland)
Nils Peters (Germany)