Visiting Researchers, April 2012 - September 2012

Since its inception, ICSI has had a strong international program consisting primarily of ties with specific countries. Current formal agreements exist with Finland, Germany, and Singapore. In addition, we often have visitors associated with specific research and projects.


Oliver Čulo (Germany)
Gerard de Melo (Germany)
Sergio Guadarrama
Emanuel Kitzelmann (Germany)
Hiroaki Sato
Malte Schilling (Germany)


Itamar Eskin
Farhad Hormozdiari
Ron Shamir


Miquel Moretó Planas


Johanna Amann (Germany)
Soumya Basu
Jason Croft
Lorenzo DeCarli
Mohan Dhawan
Haixin Duan
Oana Goga
Shuang Hao
Sheharbano Khattak
Eemil Lagerspetz (Finland)
Amin Tootoonchian
Sam Whitlock
Andreas Wundsam (Germany)


Seppo Enarvi (Finland)
Arlo Faria (Brazil)
Frantisek Grezl
Mikko Kurimo (Finland)
David Suendermann


Tim Althoff
Tobias Baumgartner
Stefanie Jegelka
Matthias Kirchner (Germany)
Lorenzo Riano

Campus Affiliation / Other

Nils Peters (Germany)

Seppo Enarvi
Seppo Enarvi



Oana Goga
Oana Goga



Stefanie Jegelka
Stefanie Jegelka