
John Ohala Wins ASA Silver Medal in Speech

John Ohala, a distinguished scholar in the Speech Group, has received the Silver Medal in Speech Communication from the Acoustical Society of America, or ASA. In announcing the award, the ASA cited Ohala’s work in advancing the understanding of speech production and perception, and applying phonetic principles to the study of spoken language change over time. Ohala is an emeritus professor at UC Berkeley, which he joined in 1970 as a professor of linguistics. 

Audio and Multimedia Researchers Win ACM Grand Challenge

November 20, 2015

Using an application developed by the Audio and Multimedia Group and its collaborators, you can search a corpus of nearly 100 million photos and videos for media that relates to particular events, such as Occupy Wall Street protests or the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull.

Eric Friedman of Research Initiatives and Colleague Win SIGecom Test of Time Award

June 24, 2015
Eric Friedman of Research Initiatives has received the 2015 SIGecom Test of Time Award, given each year for a paper published 10 or more years in the past that has had significant impact on research or applications that exemplify the interplay of economics and computation.

Teaching Privacy at NSF Showcase

April 23, 2015
The Teaching Privacy project was one of 20 groups invited by the National Science Foundation to present their work at the NSF Showcase at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium, the flagship meeting of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education held March 4-6.

Networking Researcher Sylvia Ratnasamy Wins ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award

April 21, 2015
Professor Sylvia Ratnasamy is the winner of the 2014 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, given each year to an outstanding young computer professional.

Networking and Security Researcher Mark Allman Gives PAM Keynote

March 20, 2015
Networking and Security researcher Mark Allman gave the keynote address at the Passive and Active Measurement Conference, held in New York, New York on March 19 and 20. His address was titled "Towards Better Internet Empiricalism. "