
Rückert Wins Best Paper Award

April 18, 2009
Ulrich Rückert, a postdoc with the Algorithms Group, won the Best Paper Award at the recent Siam International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2009), for a paper titled "Adaptive Concept Drift Detection" that he co-wrote with Anton Dries.

Press for Richard Karp's Kyoto Prize

March 23, 2009
Press highlights related to Professor Karp's recent Kyoto Prize: a feature article about him at and this video biography created by San Diego State University.

Professor Richard Karp Receives Kyoto Prize

March 20, 2009
Professor Richard M. Karp, head of ICSI's Algorithms Group, will be presented with the 2008 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology at the Kyoto Prize Symposium taking place in San Diego, California from March 18-20.

Nelson Morgan Named to the ISCA Advisory Council

December 31, 2008
Professor Nelson Morgan, ICSI's Director, has been named to the Advisory Council of the International Speech Communication Society (ISCA). ISCA is the primary organization devoted to speech communication science and technology.

Richard Karp Profiled in The Berkeley Science Review

December 1, 2008
Professor Richard M. Karp, of the ICSI Algorithms Group, was profiled in The Berkeley Science Review, Issue 15. The feature is written by ICSI Speech Group grad student Dan Gillick, a regular contributor to the publication.

Networking Group's Research on Profitability of Spam Featured in the Washington Post

November 6, 2008
Recent research on the profitability of spam, conducted by ICSI Networking Group researchers along with a team from UCSD, was featured in a Washington Post blog article on November 6, 2008.
